Atonic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic non-infectious skin disease characterized by itching, skin changes and a pathological process. According to 2017 statistics, more than one hundred million patients with atopic dermatitis are registered in the world. While the incidence of atopic dermatitis in children with house dust allergies has decreased, the prevalence of the disease in adults has increased and amounted to 23% among the population aged 28 years or more. AD is a multifactorial disease provoked by both external (environmental irritants) and internal (genetics, age, gender, immune disorders) risk factors. Among the trigger factors of the external environment of atopic skin, there are: house dust allergens, epidermal mites, food, cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, household chemicals, tobacco smoke, work, pharmacological drugs, physical factors (wind, water, temperature). The key place in the external environment is occupied by the most allergenic factor - house dust. As a separate concept in the ICD-