Dermatitis Bullous

Bullous dermatitis (BD) is a skin disease characterized by the formation of blisters and blisters on the surface of the skin, accompanied by pain, itching and discomfort. In this article, we will review the prevalence of BD, risk factors, its pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment methods and prognosis for this disease.

Bullous dermatitis is a skin disease of multiple origins and multiple morphological variants of the course. A characteristic symptom of bullous-allergic diseases is the syndrome of disseminated manifestations of infection affecting the skin. In this case, skin damage occurs either as eczema, or as dermatitis, or as dyshidrotic eczema. An important place in diagnosis is occupied by the study of morphology. The presence of bullous elements in combination with infiltration allows us to classify the diagnosis as a bullous form. The study of electron microscopy of skin in bullous dermatoses made it possible to establish the morphological features of skin elements (giant and small acantholytic and non-acantholytic blisters, hairy erosions, linear blisters). On the skin of patients with epidermolysis bullosa, pigment spots are found that are located on unchanged or somewhat swollen skin. Depending on the brightness of the color of the pigment, it is called “sun scars” or “bullas”