Thrombocytopenic Test

Thrombocytopenic test

The thrombocytopenia test (TPT) is a provocative test that is used to diagnose allergic reactions to various allergens. This test is based on the decrease in the number of platelets in the blood after the administration of an allergic agent.

PTT is used to determine the body's sensitivity to various allergens. A provocative test is carried out by introducing an allergen into the patient’s body. After the introduction of an allergen, a reaction occurs, which can manifest itself in the form of fever, rash, itching and other symptoms.

PTT results can be used to determine the causes of allergic reactions and select the correct therapy. However, it should be noted that PTT is not the only method for diagnosing allergies, and its results should be interpreted with caution.

Thus, PTT is an important tool in the diagnosis of allergic reactions, which can help doctors correctly assess the patient’s condition and choose effective therapy.

Provocative test?

When examining the condition of the kidneys, we often encounter the fact that tests to check the function of the organ are carried out while taking medications. This approach has its drawbacks, because the indicators can be affected by the medications themselves and their side effects in combination, but we still continue to use this method of determining the sensitivity of the kidneys to different drugs. But another way to establish the effectiveness of drugs is based on the use of exogenous rather than endogenous challenges. To do this, a thrombocytopenic test is performed, which is also called a provocative test. However, it is not based on taking medications, but on the use of substances aimed at increasing the number of platelets.

History of blood testing

A method for determining antibodies to viruses and bacteria in plasma was developed and proposed for use in the 24th century by the Austrian scientist Rene Rendahl. The scientist revealed that when diagnosing infectious diseases, immunoblotting is used - a diagnostic method based on the study of physicochemical characteristics