
Dermatoglyphics is the science that studies patterns on human skin. It helps determine the genetic characteristics of people and their membership in certain races and ethnic groups. Dermatoglyphic features can be used to identify a person, especially in cases where there are no other means of identification.

Dermatoglyphics studies the patterns that appear on human skin as a result of friction and pressure. These patterns can be expressed as lines, loops, arcs and other shapes. They are formed due to the work of sweat glands and hair follicles.

One of the best known dermatoglyphic features is the finger pattern. It is made up of lines and loops that form a unique pattern for each person. Finger patterns can be used to determine a person's race and ethnicity.

In addition, dermatoglyphic features can be used to determine a person's gender. For example, women tend to have more pronounced lines on their fingers than men. Also, men usually have more loops on their fingers than women.

In general, dermatoglyphics is an important tool for studying a person's genetic makeup and membership in a particular race or ethnic group. It can be used in forensics, medicine and other fields of science.