Dermatological Ointment

Dermatol ointment

Dermatol ointment is produced in Russia at the Moscow and Tver pharmaceutical factories. It belongs to the group of astringents, enveloping and antacid agents based on bismuth.

The international name of the drug is Bismuth subgallate. Also known by the trade name Dermatol. Available in the form of an ointment containing 10% of the active substance bismuth subgallate.

Indications for the use of dermatol ointment are inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, accompanied by exudation, hemorrhoids, genital warts, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis.

Contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Allergic reactions are possible.

In case of overdose, feverish state is observed