
Dermatophobia is a pathological fear of skin diseases and their symptoms. The epidermis is the outer covering of any organism; it is a complex of tissues of living cells. With the blood, immune cells, entering the surface layers of the epidermis, perform a protective function against infections. This is a kind of shield that can limit the impact of environmental factors and provide protection to the body from infection as a whole. If the skin is healthy and has no external defects, a person with dermatophobia will ignore this fact, not attaching any importance to it.

This phobia is often observed in adolescents at the time of puberty. Often, young guys begin to feel embarrassed about their appearance and completely ignore any communication with members of the opposite sex. It is worth understanding that this manifestation of a phobia can be easily overcome. In this case, you need to contact a specialist, he will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe treatment.