
Dermatostomatosis -

This is an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane of the mouth and skin, manifested in the form of an inflammatory process. The appearance of rashes in children is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms and microscopic fungi, which are easily transmitted through dirty hands or contaminated products. “Children with stomatitis are prone to allergies.” This problem does not receive as much attention as others, but at the same time it is local in nature. The manifestations of dermatitis are difficult to confuse with anything else, so it cannot be ignored. Untimely or incorrectly selected treatment can lead to chronicity of the process and the development of serious complications. Since the immune system is largely related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pathology makes itself felt not only during exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. As a rule, the trigger mechanism is acute intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, chronic intoxication, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, long-term poor nutrition, accompanied by multivitamin deficiencies. The occurrence of stomatitis is based on sensitization of the body. The following factors contribute to this: Infectious diseases of the oral cavity (tonsillitis, carious teeth,