
**Iso-sensitization**, specific sensitization A pathological condition of the body caused by previous sensitization or another allergic process - factors contributing to the development of subsequent sensitization. In this case, the body develops increased sensitivity to any allergen, that is, an allergy; in animals - altered sensitivity to some pharmacological or chemical irritant. The onset of a histologically detectable state during an allergic reaction can take from several minutes to hours.

The causes may be drugs, serum, hormonal drugs, intoxication. These include carbon monoxide, pesticides, organomercury compounds, copper salts, radium, etc. In some cases, anaphylactic shock develops when using substandard medicinal substances. The immune process is based on the processes of perversion of the body’s immune system. Those changes that occur as a result of hyposensitization occur relatively more slowly than sensitization reactions and do not lead to irreversible structural changes in tissues and organs.