
Desmurgy is a science that studies issues related to the application of dressings to wounds and other skin lesions. It includes not only the selection and application of bandages, but also the determination of their optimal size and location on the patient’s body. Desmurgy is of great importance for medicine and surgery, since proper application of dressings can help prevent wound infection, speed up healing and reduce pain. In addition, desmurgy can be useful in the treatment of injuries and other injuries such as bruises, dislocations and fractures. In order to apply a bandage correctly, you need to know the anatomy of the human body and be able to determine the location of blood vessels and nerves. It is also important to consider the size and shape of the wound so that the dressing does not interfere with its healing. In desmurgy, various materials are used, such as gauze, bandages, plasters and others. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of bandage depends on many factors, including the severity of the injury, the age of the patient and his individual characteristics. One of the main goals of desmurgy is to ensure patient comfort. The bandage should be comfortable and not cause discomfort, and also not interfere with the movement of the limbs and access to the wound. One of the most common methods of applying a bandage is bandaging. It allows you to create a thick layer of bandage around the wound, which holds its edges together and prevents it from becoming infected. However, when applying a bandage, it is necessary to take into account not only its functionality, but also the aesthetic aspect. Dressings should be clean, neat and consistent with the patient's skin color.

Desmurgy is a branch of surgery that deals with the treatment of wounds and skin lesions using bandages and other means. Translated from Greek, “desmurgia” means “work with bandages.”

Desmurgy is one of the oldest branches of medicine. Even in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, bandages were used to treat wounds and injuries. In the Middle Ages, dressings began to be used even more often, as many new methods of treating wounds, such as cauterization, appeared.

Currently, desmurgy is used in various fields of medicine, such as traumatology, orthopedics, neurology, gynecology, etc. Bandages can be used to fix fractures, dislocations, bruises, burns, wounds and other injuries.

Various types of dressings are used to treat wounds, such as gauze, bandages, adhesive plasters, elastic bandages, etc. Dressings are placed on the wound to protect it from infection and also to keep the injured area at rest.

In addition, desmurgy is also used to treat burns. Burns can be caused by various reasons such as thermal, chemical and electrical. To treat burns, special dressings are used to protect the damaged area from further exposure to heat or chemicals.

Desmurgy can also be used to treat eye and ear injuries. In these cases, bandages help protect the eyes or ears from further damage and provide rest for the damaged tissue.

Thus, desmurgy is an important branch of medicine, which is used to treat wounds, burns and other damage to the skin and tissues. Bandages are the primary treatment in desmurgy and help provide rest and protection to the injured areas.