Desnevoy Krai

The gum margin is a thin strip of tissue that surrounds the gum and serves to attach it to the teeth. The gum margin can be either soft or hard, depending on its thickness and density.

The gingival margin performs several important functions:

  1. Attaches the gum to the tooth. Thanks to this, the gums do not move or come off the tooth.
  2. Protects gums from mechanical damage and infections.
  3. Participates in the formation of saliva and the secretion of enzymes that help in digestion.
  4. It is the site of attachment of certain types of bacteria that are involved in the formation of dental plaque and the development of caries.

However, the gum margin can also be a source of problems. For example, if the gums are too thin or if the gum pocket that forms between the gum and tooth is too deep, periodontitis and other oral diseases can develop.

In order to maintain the health of the gum margin and prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to regularly brush and floss your teeth. It is also important to watch your diet and drink enough fluids to maintain oral health.

Report on the topic "Gum region"


The gum is a thickened fold of skin that covers the tooth bone inside the jaw bone. Its purpose is to protect the teeth and provide them with soft support for chewing. However, gums can cause dental and oral problems. One such problem is the gum margin.

Description of the concept of "gingival margin"

“Gingival margin” is a type of gum abnormality characterized by the presence of a small strip of loose gum on the front or side of the tooth, next to the gum surface. In normal condition, the gum fits tightly to the tooth and prevents food and bacteria from entering the oral cavity. This gum defect causes a gap to appear along which food particles accumulate, causing inflammation and swelling, which in turn leads to problems with the teeth and gums. This is because the surrounding gum tissue is filled with blood vessels, so the expansion of spaces between the gum and tooth can cause serious infections. That is why it is extremely important to understand the features of this defect and prevent its occurrence.

In dentistry, another name is sometimes used for the “gingival margin” - the free space between the bottom of the gum and the surface of the tooth in front of it (marginal ridge). Free space can occur for various reasons, for example, as a result of thinning of the gums under the influence of various factors