Destructive-Polypous Bronchitis

Bronchopulmonary disease destructive - polyposis (bronchus destructicus polyposus) is a chronic inflammatory process that causes the formation of polyps and deformation of the bronchial wall (elastic tissue - bronchial muscles). It has a complex etiology, which determines its clinical picture and degree of progression.

Bronchopulmonary destructive diseases have a higher frequency of diagnosis (about 15%) than other types of non-infectious diseases

Bronchitis is destructive - polyposis.

**Bronchitis** is an acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. In this case, we are talking about bronchitis with a destructive (degrading) structure of the mucous membrane with polyp formations, with areas of destroyed tissue and pseudocysts. Such areas can be both small areas (bronchiectasis) and fairly large areas that do not undergo inflammatory changes. Unfortunately, for Russia, clear terminology has not yet been developed to describe polypous changes in the walls of the bronchi, which ultimately lead to