Lung destruction Staphylococcal

Staphylococcal lung destruction (destructio pulmonum staphylococcica) is an infectious disease that is caused by staphylococci and affects the lungs. Staphylococci can enter the lungs through the respiratory tract or during lung surgery.

Symptoms of staphylococcal lung destruction include cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and weakness. If left untreated, the disease can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, sepsis and death.

To diagnose staphylococcal lung destruction, research methods such as chest x-ray, computed tomography and blood tests are used. Treatment includes antibiotics, which may be prescribed depending on the type of staph and the severity of the disease.

Prevention of staphylococcal lung destruction includes maintaining good hygiene, avoiding contact with sick people and timely treatment of infections. It is also important to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Staphylococcal lung destruction Lung destruction is a complex inflammatory and scarring lesion of the lung tissue, which is a reaction to the presence in the alveoli (pores of the lungs) of pathogenic microflora in the form of staphylococcal or streptococcal flora, tumor cells, parasites or a necrotic focus of infectious etiology (for example, disseminated tuberculosis lung disease).

Staphylococcus in the human lungs is the main causative agent of both acute and chronic inflammation of lung tissue. It is found in staphylococcal pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis and tracheitis, pulmonary pleurisy, carcinoma, peripheral cancer, tuberculosis, reactive bronchitis, foreign