Diagnosticum Pertussis

Diagnosticum pertussis is a diagnostic tool produced in Russia by the company Biomed named after. Mechnikov.

Main characteristics:

  1. Country of origin: Russia
  2. Pharmaceutical group: Various diagnostic tools
  3. Manufacturer: Biomed im. Mechnikova (Russia)
  4. International name: Diagnosticum pertussis
  5. Dosage form: liquid for the agglutination reaction, packaged in ampoules of 5 ml

Diagnosticum pertussis is intended for serological diagnosis of whooping cough using the agglutination reaction method. It is used to detect antibodies to Bordetella pertussis in the blood serum of patients and in immunological studies.

Diagnosticum is produced in the form of a liquid preparation containing inactivated pertussis microbes of the fortunate strain, packaged in 5 ml glass ampoules.