Diagnosticum Intestinal-Yersinia

Diagnosticum intestinal-yersiniosis is intended for serological diagnosis of yersiniosis.

Country of origin: Russia

Pharm-Group: Various diagnostic tools

Manufacturers: St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and an enterprise for the production of bacterial preparations (Russia)

International name: Diagnosticum intestinoyersiniosa

Dosage forms:

  1. Erythrocyte antigen dry serotype 03 (ampoules)

  2. Erythrocyte antigen dry serotype 09 (ampoules)

Diagnosticum intestinal-yersiniosis is an erythrocyte diagnosticum prepared on the basis of antigens of Yersinia enterocolitica serotypes 03 and 09. It is used for serological diagnosis of yersiniosis using the methods of RA, RSK, RNGA.