Diagnosis Syndromic

Title of the article: “Syndromic diagnosis: description and application”


Syndromic diagnosis is a formulation of diagnosis, which is determined by identifying symptoms and signs that characterize the underlying pathological process in the patient's body. However, in some cases it is impossible to establish a specific nosological form of the disease, which leads to the formulation of a syndromic diagnosis. In this article we will look at the concept of syndromic diagnosis and its application in medical practice.

What is a syndromic diagnosis?

A syndromic diagnosis is defined as a formulation that includes symptoms and signs that characterize the underlying pathological process in the patient. It differs from a nosological diagnosis, which is based on a specific nosological form of the disease.

How is a syndromic diagnosis made?

To establish a syndromic diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the main symptoms and signs in the patient that characterize his pathological process. However, it may be impossible to establish a specific nosological form, since many diseases may have similar symptoms and manifestations.

Application of the diagnosis of syndromic

The diagnosis of syndromic can be useful in medical practice, especially in complex cases when it is impossible to establish a specific nosological form. It helps doctors identify the underlying condition that is causing a patient's symptoms and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In addition, a syndromic diagnosis can be used to determine the prognosis of the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. For example, if a patient has a complex of symptoms related to the cardiovascular system, then a syndromic diagnosis can help the doctor determine which diseases may be associated with these symptoms and what measures should be taken to treat them.


Syndromic diagnosis is an important tool in medical practice for establishing the underlying disease in a patient and prescribing appropriate treatment. It can be useful in complex cases when it is impossible to establish a specific nosological form of the disease. In addition, a syndromic diagnosis helps doctors determine the prognosis of the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.