
Diane-35: Combined drug for the treatment of hyperandrogenic diseases in women

Diane-35 is a combination drug used for the treatment of androgen-dependent hyperandrogenic diseases in women. It contains two active components - cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol, which have antiandrogenic and estrogenic effects, respectively. Diane-35 is produced in Turkey by Birlesik Alman Ilaklari AS, as well as in Germany by Salutas Fahlberg-List Pharma GmbH and Schering AG.

Diane-35 is available in pill form. It is used to treat various hyperandrogenic diseases, such as acne (especially forms accompanied by seborrhea, inflammation and nodule formation), alopecia, hirsutism. The drug is also used as contraception in women suffering from these diseases.

However, before starting to use Diane-35, it is necessary to take into account some contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to its components, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Its use should also be avoided in severe liver dysfunction, the presence of liver tumors and a history of thromboembolic processes, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications, as well as in the presence of hormone-dependent breast and endometrial cancer, and in the case of vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology.

When using Diane-35, some side effects may occur. In rare cases, headache, nausea, breast tenderness, weight changes, changes in libido, depression, chloasma and worsening contact lens intolerance may occur. The interaction of the drug with other drugs has not yet been sufficiently studied, therefore it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking other drugs at the same time.

Information about possible overdose and special instructions for the use of Diane-35 is limited and requires additional study.

In conclusion, Diane-35 is a combination drug effectively used for the treatment of androgen-dependent hyperandrogenic diseases in women. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor to take into account contraindications and possible side effects.