
Diapause - (Greek diapausis break, pause) is a state of temporary rest (slowing down life activity) in some animals (insects, annelids, crustaceans, etc.), falling into it when unfavorable conditions occur (during the hot or cold season, when lack of food, etc.).

Diapause is characterized by a decrease in metabolism, cessation of growth and development, and suspension of reproduction. It can span different stages of the life cycle, but is most often observed during the egg, larval or pupal stages.

During diapause, the animal adapts to unfavorable conditions as much as possible - it lowers metabolism, accumulates nutritional reserves, and increases resistance to low or high temperatures. Thanks to diapause, many species survive winter, drought and other unfavorable periods.

Diapause is often an obligatory phase in the life cycle of a species, programmed genetically. It allows you to synchronize the life activity of individuals with the rhythm of seasonal changes in nature.