
Diarrhea manifests itself in frequent and infrequent bowel movements. Acute diarrhea can be life-threatening as there is a risk of dehydration.
The most common cause of diarrhea is food poisoning, and it can be caused by both rare and solid foods. In addition, diarrhea can be caused by various infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses or parasites. Infections such as salmonellosis, giardiasis, amoebic dysentery, and cholera are well known. Diarrhea can be caused by various circumstances:
• traveler's diarrhea, contaminated water, severe
change of diet, very spicy food;
• stress;
• alcohol abuse;
• lactose intolerance (in newborns);
• certain medications or natural remedies
b, laxatives, some antibiotics and
cardiac drugs.
Precautionary measures
• If you are not sure about the quality of your drinking water, do not
Before using, boil it for two
Twenty minutes.

• Before preparing and eating food, you must
It is a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
• After using the toilet, you must wash your hands thoroughly
ki with soap.
• Containers with drinking water and prepared
food should be covered with lids and
placed in a cold place to avoid
preventing the development of pathogens
• Cooking food kills most diseases.
creative microorganisms.
• Frozen meat, such as chicken, should be
defrost in the refrigerator.
• Do not eat raw meat and fish.
• Breastfeeding will change dramatically.
Increases the risk of diarrhea.
Signs and symptoms of diarrhea
• Frequent and loose stools.
Can be:
• nausea;
• abdominal pain, colic;
• vomit;
• loss of appetite.
Signs of dehydration
• Dry mouth.
• Dizziness or disorientation.
• Dry skin (after pressing the skin does not
is restored).
• Fever.
• Frequent pulse.
• Reducing the amount of urine output as
development of dehydration.

Diarrhea or diarrhea is a medical condition characterized by frequent, loose bowel movements or loose stool, which can lead to dehydration, decreased blood volume, and serious complications. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of diarrhea.

- Easy to use and at least 2 times a day. The daily dose volume is calculated based on age parameters: 0.5–1 l per day for adults, 0–0.3 l for children. The amount can be increased during dehydration. - Mandatory inclusion of dietary fiber (bran, whole grains) in the diet to help with food bolus and emptying. - Restoration of water-salt balance with “Soluble” 46. Isotonic salt mixture. Normalizes osmolality, replenishes electrolyte deficiency. It is recommended to take 1 bottle per day for mild water-electrolyte imbalance, increased sweating, and intoxication. A diet with enough protein - meat, cottage cheese, eggs. With prolonged diarrhea, there is a loss of secretory fluid, which must be completely replenished. To do this, it is recommended to drink sports drinks and add broths and fruit drinks to them.

Hygiene does not allow leaving a stale and uncleaned floor in the apartment, so as not to face the terrible problem of defecation in the visual perception of the toilet, the spoiled condition of the hands, rotten food and the aroma of drying poop, splashed on the walls, on the floor. Everyone runs the risk of accidentally sitting on poop. Diarrhea is especially dangerous when traveling to resort areas.

Our digestive system throws out 1 milliliter of feces every second. When we are in nature, waste products of living organisms quickly enter the soil, spreading throughout the environment. Animals that eat these foods transfer them into their excrement. When defecation occurs, the body's feces are expelled. But in an unhygienic environment with food residues on the ground, such feces quickly turn into stagnation, which happily decomposes. The result is manure and the natural process turns into a stinking disaster. People who eat poorly processed food with dirty hands immediately pick up unwashed vegetables and fruits from the ground - carriers of infection of various intestinal diseases can see traces of infection on the skin between the toes at home in the form of swarming worms in the stool, a cadaverous smell of feces. And here we instantly notice that this is the source of the disease not only for us. Many people specifically refuse to leave their apartment to go outside, keeping a dog, cat or birds at home. These animals spread infection around themselves, ensuring our microbial existence. Hygiene and sterilization in the home is necessary to avoid diarrhea. Rospotrebnadzor warns tourists in hotels: be careful when caring for hygienic toilets on the resort beaches. All cafes, sanatoriums, and hotels are monitored to ensure that the surrounding area and toilets are treated in a timely manner for their clients. Employees are required to monitor the cleanliness and timely removal of waste from vacationers. Therefore, it is necessary to at least monitor the safety of your vacation and do not forget to flush the toilet after each use. No resort is interested in that. Why do tourists not maintain basic cleanliness in their homes? When swimming in the sea, they spit into it as needed, and not everyone flushes the water in the toilet on time. Therefore, the employees of the establishment at the resort should not allow them to make mistakes, including uncleanliness. If a vacationer is resting