Signs and symptoms of choking

An adult victim can usually make signs that he or she is choking (Figure 4-1). If the baby or child suddenly cannot take a breath, it is likely that he or she is choking, in which case begin providing assistance as described in this chapter.
If you find an unconscious person whose breathing is undetectable, you may not initially realize that he is suffocating. And even without knowing it, you can provide first aid. Initial first aid actions are the same for all unconscious victims who are not breathing. You will soon be able to identify an airway obstruction when attempting artificial ventilation, because air will not flow freely in and the chest will not rise.
This situation is described in this chapter.

An adult victim can usually make signs that he or she is choking (Figure 4-1). If the baby or child suddenly cannot take a breath, it is likely that he or she is choking, in which case begin providing assistance as described in this chapter.
If you find an unconscious person whose breathing is undetectable, you may not initially realize that he is suffocating. And even without knowing it, you can provide first aid. Initial first aid actions are the same for all unconscious victims who are not breathing. You will soon be able to identify an airway obstruction when attempting artificial ventilation, because air will not flow freely in and the chest will not rise.
A description of this situation is given below.
Nature of the disorder: Partial obstruction of the respiratory tract, consciousness is preserved. Signs and symptoms of choking: Severe cough with hawking. The victim can breathe and speak. The victim snores or coughs forcefully, clutching his throat with his hands.

Nature of the disorder: Complete obstruction of the arterial wall, consciousness preserved. Signs and symptoms of suffocation: The victim is unable to speak or breathe, his hands are clutching his throat, his face turns blue.
Nature of the disorder: Choking,
Fainting Signs and symptoms of choking: The victim is unresponsive and not breathing. Air does not enter the lungs, the face is blue.