Diathermomud treatment

Diathermo-mud treatment is one of the modern methods of physiotherapy. It is based on the combined use of mud application and diathermotherapy, which promote faster healing of wounds and elimination of inflammatory processes.

Mud applications have been widely used in physiotherapy for many years. But only recently have methods been created

Mud therapy is a type of alternative medicine that uses the properties of mud to treat various diseases. Mud therapy is over a hundred years old. It is actively used in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients at resorts, in sanatoriums - resorts with mud clinics. The procedures are carried out using natural or therapeutic silt sulfide mud. During procedures, mud has thermal, mechanical and chemical effects. Mud applications are mainly used on various parts of the body, including the scalp. It can also be applied locally to the skin in the area of ​​projection of the pathological focus, preheated to a temperature of 38...42ºС, in courses of 5 to 20 procedures. The use of mud internally in its pure form or with the addition of decoctions or tinctures of herbs and plants, previously used as a general strengthening treatment, is inappropriate due to the risk of allergic reactions. The totality of mud therapy procedures and their duration are determined by the health resort doctor depending on the stage of the process, the general condition of the patient, concomitant diseases, the presence of allergic reactions, medical history and age. The procedures are performed taking into account age by gradually reducing pressure and the number of procedures every 5-7 days in accordance with the stated stages of the methodology. The number of mud applications is determined separately by the balneologist. The total duration of mud therapy is 8-12 procedures, the course is repeated after 2-6 months. Important! Mud therapy sessions can be performed in conjunction with other treatment methods, but be sure to coordinate this with your doctor.