Сердечное Вдавление 1) Легкого [Cardiac pressure, Pna; Cardiac (Lung) Impression, Jna]

Cardiac depression is a term used in medicine to refer to a depression on the medial surface of the right lung or liver that corresponds to the location of the heart. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as injury, lung or liver disease, and may also be associated with other medical problems.

The lung impression is a depression on the medial surface of the lung that corresponds to the location of the heart and is called Impressio cardiaca. It is formed as a result of the pressure of the heart on the lung during inhalation and exhalation. A deepened lung can be caused by many things, including injury, heart or lung disease, and obesity.

The cardiac depression of the liver is a depression that forms on the upper part of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver. It is also related to the location of the heart and is called impressio cardiacae hepatis. Cardiac indentation can be caused by injury, liver or heart disease, or other medical problems.

Cardiac depression of the right lung is one of the unique anatomical formations that can lead to various complications in medicine.

Cardiac indentations are depressions on the inner surface of the medial edge of the lung. The depressions correspond to the contact between the lung and the right atrium of the heart, and appear during the flattening of the lung during inspiration.

Lung depressions can be found in people with lack of development of third-order bronchioles, narrowing of the respiratory tube and other pulmonary pathologies. In the presence of cardiac depression of the right lung, various risks arise, including atelectasis, hypoventilation,