

Electronystagmography (ENG) is a method of recording nystagmus based on measuring the potential difference between two electrodes located on the surface of the head.

Nystagmus is an involuntary oscillatory movement of the eyeballs that occurs when the retinal receptors are stimulated by bright light or the movement of an object. ENG can measure the frequency and amplitude of nystagmus under different conditions (for example, different brightness levels of light or objects being stimulated at different speeds).

Electronystagmography is widely used in clinical practice to diagnose various diseases associated with dysfunction of the visual system, such as glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy and others. In addition, ENG is used in studies related to the study of the mechanisms of visual adaptation and information processing in the brain.

To record nystagmus, special devices are used - electronystagmographs, which consist of electrodes located on the patient’s head and a recording device. During operation of the electronystagmograph, the patient looks at a bright object, which causes nystagmatic eye movements. The potential difference that occurs between the electrodes is measured by a recording device and displayed as a graph.

Electronystagmography results can be interpreted according to various criteria, such as nystagmus frequency or amplitude. For example, with glaucoma the frequency of nystagmus increases, and with optic nerve atrophy it decreases.

Thus, electronystagmography is an important tool in clinical diagnosis and research of the visual system. It allows you to obtain information about the state of the visual cortex of the brain and the processes of visual adaptation.

What is electronystagmography? This is a comprehensive study of the mobility of the eyeball under the influence of electrical impulses. This method is used by an ophthalmologist to diagnose and treat eye pathologies. When there is strength and electrical activity in the electrical impulse, it causes a special nystagment in the eye muscles of the ocular apparatus. This feature of the eyes helps determine a person's ability to recognize information about surrounding objects or the danger of their collision. The eye responds to external influences and can track a moving object. The passage of nystagmus allows you to evaluate the work of conducting