Rocker's symptom

Koromysl's sign is the non-simultaneous appearance of apical and cardiac beats in a left ventricular aneurysm. This symptom manifests itself in the fact that the apex beat appears earlier than the heart beat in the precordial region. This may be because a left ventricular aneurysm causes blood to be retained in this area, causing the heart to contract faster and cause apical beats. At the same time, a heartbeat that occurs in the precordial region occurs later, since the blood has not yet had time to reach this area. Thus, the Koromysl symptom is an important sign of left ventricular aneurysm, which can help the doctor in diagnosing this disease.

The yoke symptom is unequal in amplitude, duration and regularity, involvement in the movement of the apical and peripheral parts of the left ventricle with a decrease in myocardial contractility, increased elasticity of the myocardium. *To find out how a symptom appeared, you need to remember the etiology.* This symptom became possible thanks to the evolution of the human cardiovascular system. The blood flow inside the vessels was changed. This happened for two main reasons: hormonal levels and prolonged static load. Some scientists argue that this phenomenon may be a physiological response to the load associated with age (by age 50-60, arterioles narrow from 4 to 6%, veins dilate, thus regulating the blood supply to organs).

During this age period, there is a significant increase in the vascular network in the spleen, mammary gland, lungs, brain, abdominal walls, tongue wall, rectum, since in these organs the energy needs of the body increase significantly. In relation to the aorta, these changes have a much lesser effect. So can doctors rely on this symptom? The study showed a positive answer. Definitely, “rocker arm syndrome” is just a symptom that cannot be replaced with a specific diagnosis without a full-fledged comprehensive examination. Typically, a heart doctor, without practice or specific knowledge, is unlikely to be able to make a differential diagnosis, especially based on this feature. However, it can be noticed during standard screening and the patient can be encouraged to undergo additional studies.