

Kisto - This word is of Greek origin, derived from the word "kistok", which means "tassel". In modern speech and literature, cysto is a jargon for marijuana group drugs. This word first began to be used in the USSR during perestroika: the previously used names of narcotic drugs - marijuana, grass, "wheels" - gradually lost their popularity. But the word cysto began to gain momentum in the 90s, when drug trafficking reached a new level and brought more income to criminals.

In terms of its composition, cysto is one of the psychotropic drugs, which is part of a certain group caused by drug addiction. The chemical composition contains salts of the narcotic poppy, which release parts of the dried leaves and roots of different types of hemp plants. Narcotics are extracted from unground plants by soaking or extracting them in alcohol. In addition, cysto contains thickeners or binding agents that allow the effective release of the active substances of cannabis. Therefore, a cyst can serve as a source of a drug dangerous to both health and life. However, the meaning of the word cysto implies, in addition to the drug itself, various manipulations with it (to impart certain qualities). This can be mixing the crushed substances, straining, evaporating, or mixing the ingredients with