Diatom Analysis

Diatom analysis is a research technique used to determine the age and composition of sedimentary rocks. It is based on the study of diatoms, which are single-celled microorganisms that live in water and soil.

Diatoms are very common in nature and can be found in a variety of places, including lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. They have a very characteristic structure that makes them easy to identify even with low magnification.

To conduct a diatom analysis, rock or soil samples are treated with a special solution that destroys all organic substances except diatoms. The sample is then placed under a microscope to study the structure and shape of the diatoms.

Based on this analysis, the age of sedimentary rocks can be determined, as well as the presence of certain minerals and other components that can be used to determine geological processes that occurred in the past.

Diatom analysis is also used to assess the quality of water in rivers, lakes and seas, which is very important for protecting the environment and human health.

Overall, diatom analysis is an important research method that provides valuable data on the geological history of the Earth and its past changes.