Diphyllobothriasis (Diphyllobothriasis)

Diphyllobothriasis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diphyllobothriasis is a disease caused by infection of the intestines by the broad tapeworm Diphyllobothrium latum. This infection can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, diarrhea, eating disorders and anemia due to impaired absorption of vitamin B12. In this article we will look at the causes of diphyllobothriasis, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of diphyllobothriasis

Diphyllobothriasis is most common in the Baltic countries. Infection occurs through eating raw or undercooked fish infected with tapeworm larvae. Tapeworm larvae develop in the muscles of the fish, and if the fish has not been cooked enough, the larvae may survive and enter the human body.

Symptoms of diphyllobothriasis

Symptoms of diphyllobothriasis may appear several days after infection. As a rule, patients complain of nausea, diarrhea, impaired digestion of food and deterioration of their general condition. Anemia may also develop due to impaired absorption of vitamin B12 from the intestines.

To diagnose diphyllobothriasis, it is necessary to conduct a stool test for the presence of tapeworm eggs. If the test results are positive, then additional studies must be carried out to determine the extent of the lesion and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of diphyllobothriasis

To treat diphyllobothriasis, anthelmintic drugs such as mepacrine are used. These drugs kill the tapeworm, allowing it to be removed from the body. In addition, additional therapy may be prescribed to eliminate symptoms of the disease, such as nausea, diarrhea and anemia.

Preventing diphyllobothriasis

The main way to prevent diphyllobothriasis is to properly handle and prepare fish before eating it. The fish must be cooked sufficiently to kill all the tapeworm larvae. In addition, it is also necessary to practice good hygiene and remove fish contaminated with feces to prevent infection of other animals and people.

In conclusion, diphyllobothriasis is a serious disease that can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms. However, proper handling and preparation of fish, as well as good hygiene, can help prevent its occurrence. If you notice symptoms of diphyllobothriasis, consult your doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. It must be remembered that timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent the development of serious complications and save the patient’s life.

Diphyllobatriosis is the general name for diseases caused by the broad tapeworm, a small flatworm that parasitizes the intestines of humans and other animals. Broad tapeworms are found in the intestines of wild and domestic animals, including rodents, birds, and fish. In freshwater inhabitants - mollusks and insects. To become infected, a person can eat raw fish or use it as an ingredient in dishes. Diphyllobathria is mainly found in residents of the Baltic region, especially in Scandinavia. But they are also found in many other places around the world. Thus, cases of diphyllobarthiasis may occur not only in the Baltic countries.

A wide tapeworm, which has heads of different sizes on both sides of the body, called subs, or phyllobothria, can reach a length of up to

The topic of my article is diphyllobothriasis. Its broader name is Diphylloothiaris, and this is a term worth remembering. Other common names such as tapeworm or tapeworm should not be used.

Diphyllibotriosis is the most common parasitic infestation due to consumption of unsalted salted fish; the upper portions of the large intestine are usually affected. The duration of the disease itself is 3-4 years. Humans become an intermediate host at the larval stage. The risk of infection increases when consuming insufficiently thermally processed fish. The disease is not spread from person to person, if you eat raw fish, put it aside very quickly. Infection is possible only through fish with the larva of the broad tapeworm, which is recommended to be consumed with heat treatment. Quite often, a long course of medication is proposed for treatment. However, symptoms that affect breathing and vision require consultation with a doctor. It is better to start treatment at an early stage of infection and follow all doctor’s recommendations.