Yolk, Deutoplasm

Yolk (Yolk), Deutoplasm (Deutoplasm) - a substance rich in proteins and fat, which is the contents of the egg and serves to nourish the developing embryo. The yolk is practically absent in the eggs of mammals (including humans), since in this case the developing embryo receives all the nutrients it needs from the mother.

Yolk and deutoplasm

The yolk (Yolk) and deutoplasma (Deutoplasma) are two important components of the egg that play an important role in the development of the embryo and providing it with the necessary nutrients. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


– A substance rich in proteins and fats,
– Contained in the egg,
– Serves to nourish the embryo, which develops inside the yolk.


– The liquid surrounding the yolk
– Contains proteins and other nutrients necessary for the development of the embryo.

In mammalian eggs, there is virtually no yolk, since the developing embryo receives all its nutrients from the mother. The human egg also lacks a yolk and is replaced by a yolk sac, which contains the yolk and nutrients for the embryo before it is born.

Thus, the yolk and deutoplasm play an important role in the nutrition of the embryo in the early stages of development. However, when the embryo begins to receive nutrients from the mother, the yolk sac and yolk are no longer necessary and disappear from the egg.

The yolk and deutoplasm are two important components of the mammalian testicle, which together provide nutrition to the embryo. Let's take a closer look at each of these components. Yolk Yolk is a fat- and protein-rich substance found in the ovaries of female mammals. It is a waste product of follicular cells, which produce it during the development of eggs. The yolk contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. It provides nutrition and development of the embryo in the event of fertilization of the egg, especially in the first weeks of its life. In large eggs, such as chicken eggs, the yolk usually makes up about 30-50% of the egg's weight. Deutoplasma Deutoplasma or nutrient (food