
Dictyosome: cell organelle responsible for the secretion and processing of proteins

The dictyosome, also known as the golgiosome, is an important organelle present in the cells of various organisms. It performs a number of key functions related to the secretion and processing of proteins, making it an integral part of the cellular apparatus.

The term "dictyosome" comes from the Greek word "dictyo-", meaning "network", and "soma", which translates as "body". This term reflects the structural features of the dictyosome, consisting of a network of membrane structures united together.

Dictyosomes are found in both animals and plants. In animals they are found near the cell nucleus, in an area called the centrosome. In plant cells, dictyosomes are located near plastids such as chloroplasts.

The main function of the dictyosome is the processing and sorting of proteins. It accepts proteins synthesized by ribosomes and then directs them to the desired paths in the cell. The dictyosome also performs secretory functions, responsible for packaging and releasing proteins from the cell.

Structurally, the dictyosome is a stack of flat membranous structures called cisternae. Each cistern consists of two membranes separated by a space called the cisternal space. Various processes related to the modification and transport of proteins occur inside the dictyosome.

The process of protein processing in the dictyosome occurs in stages. First, proteins are synthesized on ribosomes and introduced into the dictyosome. They then pass through various cisterns where chemical modifications such as glycosylation and phosphorylation occur. After processing, proteins are packaged into membrane sacs called vesicles, which can then be transported to other locations in the cell or released outside.

The dictyosome plays an important role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and the functioning of the organism as a whole. Defects in dictyosome function can lead to various diseases such as Golgi disease or secretion disorders.

In conclusion, the dictyosome is an important cellular organelle responsible for the secretion and processing of proteins. Its complex structure and functions play a decisive role in the life of cells and ensure the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Studying the dictyosome and its mechanisms of operation allows us to more deeply understand cellular processes and their regulation, which is important for the development of medical science and the search for new approaches to the treatment of various diseases.

The name "Golgi body" was first used by Henri ANREY (03/02/1868 - 12/30/1954), or rather by a group of French scientists in 1921 in the journal "Archives de biologie" (Archives of Biology), French Academy of Sciences (Académie de Biologie Paris France). These cells have membrane disks in their structure. Since 2014, the Golgi complex (cistern complexes (from the Latin word caister - “cell”). They store information about the transfer of substances inside the cell and carry out timely delivery of proteins to other parts of the cell that need their help. Despite the fact that these Membrane inclusions are one of the key structures in the cell; many questions about how they work remain unanswered.