Cardiomyopathy Familial

**Cardiomyopathy** is a group of rare diseases that affect the heart and can impair its function. Some of them are hereditary and are inherited from parents to children. Among them, the most common are familial cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy.

**Familial cardiomyopathy (f.** familiaris**) is an inherited disease of the cardiovascular system that is passed from mother to son or daughter.** This is a genetic disorder that causes problems with the myocardium - the heart muscle - leading to heart symptoms. This type of cardiomyopathy is characterized by rapid progression to heart failure and a high risk of sudden cardiac death. The main clinical manifestation of familial cardiomyopathy is heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and cardiomegaly in the absence of other risk factors.