
Hypoplasia is a disorder in the formation of tissues or organs during fetal development in utero. The cause of the pathological process is disturbances in the processes of cell growth and differentiation that occur due to mutations in genes or chromosomal disorders. The hereditary form occurs in the early stages of embryogenesis, and the acquired form

Hypoplasia is a pathological condition in which organs or tissues develop insufficiently or do not develop at all. This may be due to various factors such as genetic disorders, exposure to harmful substances, infections and other diseases.

Hypoplasia can manifest itself in various organs and systems of the body. For example, with cardiac hypoplasia, a decrease in the size of the heart may be observed, which leads to disruption of its function. With renal hypoplasia, there may be a decrease in the number and size of the kidneys, which can lead to impaired renal function.

Treatment for hypoplasia depends on its cause and severity. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the affected organ or tissue. In other cases, drug therapy may be sufficient.

It is important to note that hypoplasia is a serious condition that can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, if symptoms of hypoplasia are detected, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.