Diltiazem Lannaher

Diltiazem Lannacher: description, use, contraindications and side effects

Diltiazem Lannacher is a drug belonging to the group of calcium channel blockers of the benzodiazepine group. The active ingredient is Diltiazem. The drug is manufactured by Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH in Austria.

Diltiazem Lannacher is used for the treatment of angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, prevention of coronary spasm during coronary angiography or coronary artery bypass surgery. The drug can also be used in transplantology to prevent graft failure after kidney transplantation and to reduce the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine A during immunosuppressive therapy.

Contraindications to the use of Diltiazem Lannacher include hypersensitivity to the drug, cardiogenic shock, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, sinus bradycardia, grade I conduction disorder, severe aortic stenosis, as well as childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects when using Diltiazem Lannacher may include transient hypotension, bradycardia, stage I conduction disturbance, decreased cardiac output, palpitations, fainting, eosinophilia, headache, dizziness, weakness, feeling of fatigue, peripheral edema, impaired potency, dyspeptic symptoms, mucosal hyperplasia gum membranes, sweating, redness of the skin, allergic reactions (skin rash and itching), rarely - exudative erythema multiforme, increased activity of transaminases (ALT, AST), lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase, hyperglycemia.

Diltiazem Lannacher may interact with carbamazepine, theophylline, cyclosporine A, digoxin, anesthetics, antiarrhythmics and beta-blockers.

Two dosage forms of Diltiazem Lannacher are available: 90 mg retard film-coated tablets and 180 mg retard film-coated tablets.

In conclusion, it can be noted that Diltiazem Lannacher is an effective drug that is widely used in cardiology and transplantology. However, like any other drug, it has contraindications and side effects. Before starting to use Diltiazem Lannacher, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations for dosage and administration of the drug.