
Laryng-: Meaning and functions of the larynx

The larynx, also known as the larynx, is an important organ in the human respiratory and speech systems. Using the prefix "laryngo-", we refer to this organ and its extensive functions. In this article, we will look at the meaning and main functions of laryng, as well as its role in the breathing process and sound production.

The laryngus is a tube-like structure located at the upper end of the respiratory tract, under the middle part of the cervix. It consists of several cartilages, ligaments, muscles and mucous membrane. One of the key functions of the larynx is to protect the lower respiratory tract from food and liquids. When we swallow, the epiglottis and epiglottis close the opening to the larynx, guiding food down the esophagus.

However, the most well-known function of the larynx is the production of sound and speech. Inside the larynx are the vocal cords - two paired muscle cords that vibrate as air passes, creating sound waves. Sound is produced by the interaction of the vocal cords with the air flow from the lungs and resonating cavities such as the mouth and nose.

In addition, the larynx plays an important role in regulating breathing. The vocal cords and laryngeal muscles control the size and shape of the air passage, which allows you to regulate the intensity and pitch of sound and control breathing during physical activity.

Laryng also performs the function of filtering and purifying inhaled air. The mucous membrane of the larynx contains cilia and glands that help trap and release dust particles and microorganisms, thereby protecting the respiratory tract from possible infections.

Tumors, infections, or other diseases of the larynx can impair its function and cause problems with breathing, speech, and voice. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you experience any symptoms or problems related to your larynx.

In conclusion, laryng- refers to the larynx, an organ that is important in the respiratory and speech systems of humans. It serves the role of protection, sound production and breathing control. Understanding the functions of the larynx helps us understand its importance and maintain its health for the normal functioning of our speech and breathing.