Gingivitis Ulcerative-Membranous

Ulcerative-membranous gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ulceromembranous gingivitis, also known as ulceromembranosa gingivitis, is a type of inflammatory gum disease. It is characterized by the formation of ulcers and lightened mucous membranes in the gum area. This condition can cause discomfort and pain, and if not treated promptly, it can progress and become more serious. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for ulcerative membranous gingivitis.

The causes of ulcerative membranous gingivitis can be varied. The basis of this disease is inflammation of the gums, which can be caused by improper oral hygiene. Inadequate brushing of teeth and dentures can lead to plaque buildup and bacterial colonies, which ultimately leads to inflammation. Also, ulcerative membranous gingivitis can be caused by tobacco smoking, stress, poor diet, hormonal changes and some systemic diseases.

Symptoms of ulcerative membranous gingivitis include:

  1. The main symptom is the formation of ulcers on the gums. The ulcers are usually round or oval in shape, covered with a serous or grayish membrane, and may be painful.
  2. Redness and swelling of the gums around the ulcers.
  3. Bleeding gums when brushing teeth or with minor mechanical irritation.
  4. Bad breath.
  5. Pain when eating or touching the gums.

Treatment of ulcerative membranous gingivitis requires an integrated approach, which includes the following measures:

  1. Improving oral hygiene. Regular and proper brushing, flossing, and mouthwash will help eliminate plaque and bacterial colonies, allowing ulcers to heal and restore healthy gums.
  2. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Some topical medications may help reduce inflammation and soreness.
  3. Avoidance of irritating factors. It is recommended to refrain from smoking, limit the consumption of spicy and sour foods, and avoid stressful situations that can aggravate the condition of the gums.
  4. Vitamin therapy. If there is a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, special medications or dietary supplements may be prescribed to maintain gum health.

It is important to note that self-treatment of ulcerative membranous gingivitis is not recommended. If you suspect this condition, you should contact your dentist or periodontist for professional advice and appropriate treatment.

Prevention of ulcerative membranous gingivitis includes regular visits to the dentist, good oral hygiene, proper nutrition and avoidance of bad habits. It is also important to note that ulcerative membranous gingivitis can be a sign of more serious diseases such as periodontitis or systemic immune system diseases, so regular dental checkups will help identify problems in the early stages and prevent their progression.

In conclusion, ulcerative membranous gingivitis is an inflammatory gum disease characterized by the formation of ulcers and membranes on the gums. Seeing your dentist promptly, maintaining good oral hygiene, and applying appropriate treatment play an important role in restoring gum health and preventing complications.