Vein Iliac

The iliac vein (lat. vena iliaca) is one of two main veins that carry blood from the lower body to the heart. It is located in the lower abdomen and passes through the pelvic cavity.

The iliac vein begins at the base of the femur and passes through the groin, where it joins the common iliac vein. It then continues down the inner thigh to the knee, where it branches into two branches: one that runs along the back of the leg and another that runs along the front of the leg.

One of the functions of the iliac vein is to drain blood from the lower extremities and pelvis. It is also involved in blood circulation in the body, ensuring the exchange of substances between blood and tissues.

However, if the iliac vein is damaged or blocked, it can lead to serious health problems. For example, a blockage can cause swelling and pain in the legs, as well as poor circulation in the legs.

To avoid problems with this important vein, it is important to monitor your health and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating right, exercising regularly and avoiding smoking and alcohol. In addition, it is necessary to undergo regular medical examinations and consult a doctor for any health problems.