The female is a fish

The best fish in terms of body size is the one that is not very large. Its meat should not be tough, nor dry, nor fatty, but rather crumbly, not slimy or smelly, and its taste should be pleasant, for what is pleasant is suitable for humans. Oily fish should not be too oily, not too tough, not have too much fat or heat, and not quickly go rancid when taken out of the water.

Fish with somewhat tough meat is chosen smaller, and fish with soft meat - slightly larger. Salted hard fish is better than fresh fish. As for the choice of fish by type, the best fish is Shabbat; followed by bunni, marmahij, chic; The sea saj is also not bad, but the rajz and samm are too rude. As for the kanada and marmahija, they are good, and the farasiyun is an excellent fish.

In terms of habitat, the best fish are those that seek refuge in rocky places, followed by those that live in sandy places and in fresh flowing waters, not polluted, not swampy or low-lying, which do not flow through valleys and deserts, do not leak from small lakes, do not disperse into canals and streams.

Saltwater fish provide commendable and gentle nutrition. Its best variety is the one that lives in the sea at great depths. The fish that lives in open waters, blown by the winds, is better than the fish that leads a different way of life. The same fish that hides in water subject to strong fluctuations and disturbances is better, because it has to move more than one that seeks refuge in calm water. Sea fish are excellent and their meat is tender, especially if they live near rocky and sandy shores. Deep-sea fish from marine |breeds move a lot, and those that return from the sea to fresh water and naturally resist the flow of water are also gentle, because they move a lot.

In terms of food, a fish that feeds on good grass and roots of good plants is better than one that feeds on sewage. thrown into stagnant ponds in populated areas, or the roots of bad plants, even if the fish itself is very good.

It is best to eat fish in isfidbaj, then fried in a frying pan. As for fish baked on coals, it is suitable for those with a strong stomach. Seasoned fish and fried fish are more nutritious, but go down slower, while boiled fish is the opposite. The best way to cook fish is to heat the water until it boils and then throw the fish in. As for salted fish, it is best if it was fresh before salting, and it was recently salted. The most praiseworthy fish is fish marinated in vinegar and spices. The water in which salted fish, especially jirri, was boiled is highly purifying and is used for drying enemas.

All fish are cold and wet, but some fish are hot compared to the nature of other fish; such as, for example, shark, jirri and marmahij. Salted fish is hot and dry, and these qualities increase over time. Salted fish brine is similar in quality to murree.

Fresh fish produces a watery mucus; it relaxes the nerves and is only suitable for a very hot stomach, and it makes the blood runny. If the ashes from the skin of a fish, known near Jerusalem as sifiyyas, are sprinkled in powder form into the eyes of livestock, it removes the sore. Salted fish of various kinds, especially jirri, draw the points of arrows from the places where they are stuck.

Wounds and ulcers.
The burnt head of samarus removes wild meat in ulcers and prevents its growth. It reduces warts and tusa. The brine from salted fish is useful for rotting ulcers and cleanses them. Small salted fish are good for treating rotting ulcers.

Tools with joints.

If you do an enema of salted fish decoction several times, it is very useful for hip pain. Fresh fish relaxes your nerves.

Organs of the head.
If a person suffering from malignant kula rinses his mouth with murri, made from a small fish, which the Syrians call sire, it will help him. And if you bring a live raad to the head of a headache sufferer, it will desensitize him to the headache.

Organs of the eye.
The skin of Sifiyanun is rubbed on the eyelids affected by trachoma, and this helps; his burnt skin is also included in |composition | eye medicine and sprinkling it with salt removes the veil from the eyes. Eating fried sifiyanun skin causes veil; however, this is how all these fish act.

Respiratory system.
Fresh jirri cleanses the pulmonary tube and clears the voice, and salted jirri does the same. The heads of dried salted fish are useful for tumors of the uvula. Fish glue is put into stews and it stops hemoptysis.

Eruption organs.
Sifiyanun stomach softens the stomach, although it is difficult to digest, jirri meat also softens the stomach. All types of fish soup soften the stomach, and the heads of salted and dried small fish are an excellent remedy for anal fissures. Shark predominantly, as well as sukk, marmahij, karasin and jirri - all of them increase lust. All fresh fish is eaten hot.

The burnt head of salted samarus is applied to the place bitten by a mad dog or stung by a scorpion, and this helps. Any fish and fish soup from any fish are also useful from drinking poison or from a bite. If you drink fish soup called uhutadus and induce vomiting several times in a row, it helps against the bite of a horned viper and a mad dog. Kuniyun meat, if made into a medicinal bandage, helps against the bite of a rabid dog and the bite of reptiles. The meat of a fish called bunni, eaten in salted form, helps against the bite of a viper. If you make a medicinal bandage out of it, it helps against the bite of a rabid dog.