
Dynamoballistocardiography is a method of instrumental diagnostics of the state of the cardiovascular system, based on the simultaneous measurement of blood pressure in the arteries and movements of the human body. This method combines the advantages of two other methods for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases: echocardiography and sphygmography.

The essence of the method is that the patient performs certain exercises that cause changes in blood pressure in the arteries. These changes are recorded using special sensors that are installed on the patient's body. The data is then transferred to a computer where it is analyzed and interpreted by a doctor.

A dynamoballistocardiogram allows you to assess the state of the cardiovascular system as a whole, as well as identify possible disturbances in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. It can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments for cardiovascular diseases.

However, like any other diagnostic method, dynamoballistocardiography has its limitations and cannot replace a full medical examination. Therefore, before carrying out this method, it is necessary to consult a doctor and make sure that it is safe for the patient’s health.

In cardiology, various methods for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases are used. One such method is dynamic ballistocardiography. This method allows you to evaluate heart function and identify signs of various cardiovascular disorders. The principle of the method is to measure an electrocardiogram (ECG) during repeated contractions of the heart. The data was then analyzed