Teeth Falling Out

Teeth falling out or teeth lacking a crown is a dental pathology that is accompanied by a complete loss of the natural protective covering of the crown and root of the tooth. The natural protective coating of tooth crowns (enamel and dentin) prevents the development of caries, as well as mechanical damage - injuries and ruptures. Teeth without crowns are a pathognomic sign of a number of diseases of the dental system, such as periodontitis, untreated caries, periodontitis due to trauma, surgical interventions and other effects.

A tooth devoid of a crown is accompanied by exposure of the tooth root and occurs when the integrity of the protective shell of the tooth - enamel and dentin at the junction of the root and crown - is damaged. When tooth tissue is destroyed below the gum level, the tooth cavity may decrease and the dentist speaks of the manifestation of mild or superficial caries (or popularly called “caries in the spot stage”). With more significant destruction of the root, the remaining crown peels off, a non-infectious microflora is established in the tooth cavity - a fungus of the genus Candida, pain occurs, the destruction of dental tissue occurs further, a purulent abscess is formed, and thus a dental fistula is formed. But other complications are also possible. Depending on the disease, age factor and some other circumstances, various manifestations of tooth loss may occur. Tooth defects lose their protective properties and are at risk of developing caries and dental pathologies. Dental crown loss develops from the initial manifestation of mild dental disease - the so-called “spot” stage caries, in which yellowish cloudy spots and dull discolored areas appear on the surface of the enamel, this is also called a chalky front tooth. This stage of the disease is called “chalk tooth caries”, and the patient experiences pain when eating cold, hot or sour foods, and reacts to irritation while eating. Its next stage is hyperesthesia. In this case, reactions to hot and cold dishes are more pronounced, and pain attacks intensify. Typically, caries in the chalk spot stage is easily treated with dental fillings. However, lack of proper attention to the tooth and failure to take action at this stage leads to an intermediate period – pulpitis. A prolonged unpleasant taste in the mouth due to the destruction of the internal tissues of the tooth leads to bleeding gums, inflammatory reactions, swelling, and severe sensitivity of the localization zones of the causative tooth develop. By treating the affected areas, a specialist intervenes and removes the nerve. Thus, the tooth continues to decay more and more, which leads to the occurrence of periodontitis, which manifests itself as a tumor of the alveolar process, hyperemia, gumboil, painful attacks, and when biting on a tooth, a painful urge occurs. The pain becomes throbbing and sharply intensifying. The veins become congested, and there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth. If the attending physician ignores the patient’s complaints and does not make an appropriate decision, soon a problem will arise.