
With the spread of digital photography and its increasing accessibility as a technique, various methods have emerged for extracting information from images. One of these methods is directoscopy, that is, extracting information from portraits of people.

Directoscopy is a deep learning-based method that is used to obtain characteristics of a person based on their

Directoscopy is a method for examining internal organs and tissues, which is used in medicine to diagnose various diseases. This method is based on the use of special equipment - a directoscope, which is a thin flexible tube with a camera at the end. The directoscope is inserted into the body cavity through natural openings or a small incision is made in the skin. The camera at the end of the directoscope transmits the image to the monitor, which allows the doctor to examine the internal organs in detail and identify possible pathologies.

Directoscopy has many advantages over other diagnostic methods. It allows you to get more accurate results, since the image is transmitted directly to the monitor and is not distorted when transmitted through other devices. In addition, directoscopy is safe for the patient, as it does not require surgical intervention.

However, directoscopy also has some disadvantages. For example, it may not be available to some patients due to contraindications or the inability to insert the directoscope into the body cavity. Directoscopy can also be expensive, especially if additional tests or consultations with doctors are required.

Overall, directoscopy is an important diagnostic method and can help doctors identify many diseases in the early stages. However, before performing directoscopy, it is necessary to ensure that the patient has no contraindications and that the procedure will be safe and effective.