
Regulation in cybernetics is the process of maintaining the desired state or behavior of a system. It involves measuring the current state of the system, comparing it with the desired state, and taking corrective action to reduce the deviation.

Regulation can be negative or positive feedback. With negative feedback, corrective actions are aimed at reducing the deviation from the set value. If positive, the deviation increases.

Control is widely used in technical systems such as heating, cooling, speed and pressure control systems. It also plays an important role in biological systems, such as maintaining a constant body temperature. Effective regulation allows systems to function within specified parameters, despite external disturbances.

What is regulation?

Regulation is a fundamental term used in control theory and cybernetics, information technology, organizational management and other fields. It denotes a process aimed at establishing and maintaining certain parameters of a control object at a certain level due to external control influences. The main feature of regulation is that the result must be static (i.e., the value of the regulated indicators must remain constant), although dynamic methods also exist, but their use is limited. The identified feature played a decisive role in the process of identifying regulation as a separate independent area of ​​research.

Origin of the term

With the exception of the English version (regulation), the term is international and has no author. U