
Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - restorative dietary supplement

Manufacturers - Artlife (Russia)
International name - Discovery
Composition - Biotin - 0.1 mg, proline - 3.5 mg, manganese sulfate - 2 mg, vitamin B1 - 1 mg, tyrosine - 8.3 mg, molybdenum - 0.008 mg, vitamin B6 - 1 mg, phenylalanine - 2, 35 mg, iron sulfate - 15 mg, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) - 5.5 mcg, chromium picolinate - 0.1 mg, B vitamins, vitamin C, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, calcium pantothenate, L-lysine.

Indications for use - Recommended as a general tonic for all types of hypovitaminosis, decreased function of the immune system, in the stages after illnesses and surgical interventions, for diseases of the nervous system, visual organs, stressful situations, mental and physical exhaustion, blood diseases, joints; athletes. It is recommended as a means for the active prevention of atherosclerosis, cancer and during courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as for the prevention of early aging.

Contraindications - Not recommended for individual hypersensitivity to ingredients, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effect - No data.

Interaction - No data available.

Overdose - No data available.

Special instructions - No data available.

Literature - Brief reference book "The Art of Being Healthy" Art Life, Moscow, 2002.