Diseases of the Abdominal Organs

Diseases of the abdominal organs in newborns

Congenital intestinal obstruction is one of the common causes of emergency operations in children during the neonatal period. Causes of obstruction: malformations of the intestinal tube, disruption of the process of intestinal rotation, malformations of other abdominal organs.

The most common forms are atresia and intestinal stenosis. With complete obstruction, there is no meconium stool. Symptoms: vomiting, bloating, water and electrolyte imbalance. Diagnostics: radiography, irrigography. Treatment is surgical.

Pyloric stenosis is a malformation of the pylorus. Symptoms: vomiting "fountain", visible peristalsis, palpable compacted pylorus. Diagnostics: X-ray contrast study, endoscopy. Treatment is surgical.

Fetal hernia is the protrusion of organs through the umbilical ring. Danger of strangulation and peritonitis. Treatment: suturing for small and medium hernias, conservative treatment for large ones.

Bladder exstrophy is an eversion of the mucous membrane onto the anterior abdominal wall. Accompanied by epispadias and pyelonephritis. Treatment is bladder plastic surgery.

Hydrocele of the testicle and spermatic cord is an accumulation of fluid due to impaired obliteration of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. Often resolves on its own. In the case of a severe form - puncture, surgical treatment.