Gen (Gr. Gennan - Generate)

A biological unit of hereditary information, capable of self-reproduction and located in a specific area (locus) of a specific chromosome.

A gene is a structural and functional unit of heredity. It is a section of DNA that carries information about the structure of one or more proteins. Genes are localized in certain regions of chromosomes - loci.

Each gene has a specific nucleotide sequence, which is the template for the synthesis of a specific protein during transcription and translation. Thus, the gene encodes the primary structure of the protein.

A gene has the property of replication - it can accurately reproduce itself during cell division by doubling DNA. Thanks to this, genetic information is passed on from generation to generation.

Changes in the structure of a gene can lead to changes in the structure and function of the protein it encodes, which is one of the important mechanisms of mutation and evolution. Thus, genes are the basis of heredity and variability of organisms.