Disharmony Mental

Mental disharmony

**Psychological disharmony, psychological disequilibrium, fatigue, mental fatigue, neurosis, personality dissociation** - a feeling of dissatisfaction with what has already been achieved in a specific situation, due to insufficient compatibility of partial experience, its personal, situational and valence aspects.

In principle, _psychological disequilibrium_ includes any undesirable reaction to infringement, which may be small, pronounced or even noticeable, but may also be insufficient to arouse anxiety. This may be because minor stimuli are "blown away" because they are not greater than normal.

Normal rejection of minor stimuli may exist in the following situations:

* The family reacts in the same way to many aspects of irritation in their immediate environment outside their home or family unit. The situation often causes feelings of tension or conflict without fear of undesirable consequences due to the quantitative insufficiency of reasons for anxiety.

When necessary, anger only expresses unequal feelings in disagreement about values ​​or conditions in the family, which, with their minimal restrictions, serve as a source of danger, such as being pushed out of the family orbit (divorce).

A disharmonious psychological state is also a constant lack of money or sufficient living conditions to satisfy basic needs (due to low wages or unemployment). Psychologically, this often manifests itself in the form of irrational time management or mental anxiety. The feeling of mental exhaustion as a result of low self-esteem may correspond to something else about which the person feels envy.

Mental disharmony is a serious and sometimes underestimated disorder that can affect the life of a person and his loved ones. Disharmonious people may feel depressed, restless or even anxious, which prevents them from living and working fully.

One of the reasons why disharmony is so little discussed is that it is a personality trait rather than a disease. People suffering from disharmony have strong abilities in one or more areas that may be difficult for other people. For example, someone may have amazing memory, math skills, or the ability to complete tasks quickly and accurately. However, they may suffer from low self-esteem, low energy or lack of social interaction.