Aphonia Paralytic

Good afternoon

Aphonia is the absence of sonorous speech while the speech apparatus is intact [1, 2]. The absence of sonorous speech can be caused by both peripheral and central reasons. This occurs when nerve impulses cannot reach the vocal cords. Pseudovarioantiphonal aphonia due to non-damage to the larynx and conductive nerves, which is explained by a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses along the trunk of the laryngeal nerve under the influence of various etiological factors.

Paralytic aphonia is characterized by the absence of a sonorous voice with complete preservation of the functions of the articulatory apparatus, caused by loss or weakening of the voice-forming function of the central nervous system. Thus, disturbances in vocal function (paralytic voice), if it is necessary to maintain the movement of the vocal folds, are secondary to its consequence. There are central and peripheral types of paralytic aphonia. The peripheral form is caused by mechanical obstacles, paralytic changes in the muscles or nerves of the voice-producing region, or their irritation.

Variants of paralytic disorders differ in the variants of partial or complete loss of vocal and vocal muscle mobility, causing discoordination of phonation, a combination of paralysis and paresis.