Eczema True

Eczema false, vesicular or true (e. vera), vulgar erythematonosaural eczema is an inflammatory skin disease caused by dysfunction of the immunocompetent cells of the anti-infective defense system (phagocytes), leading to the uncontrolled proliferation of its own T-lymphocytes in the dermis with the participation of various (including viral) infectious agents (rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, adenoviruses, etc.), as well as the action of allergens and/or aggressive chemicals from the environment. As a result of the interaction of an allergen or viral factor with immunocompetent cells, a transient inflammatory focus of small immune cells is formed, enhanced by the appearance of many small bubbles limited by epidermal covers. When exposed to an irritant, damage to the epidermis occurs with the formation of small serous cavities. Distribution of outbreaks