Therapeutic mud Seaside

Therapeutic seaside mud is sulfide silt mud that is formed on the seabed and is characterized by a high content of sulfides and mineralization of the mud solution. These muds have unique properties that help treat various diseases.

Therapeutic seaside mud is formed at the bottom of estuary and lagoon lakes, which are part of the sea basin. They are formed as a result of the deposition of silt and sand, which contains large amounts of sulfides. Sulfides are chemical compounds that contain sulfur and other elements. They are important components of mud solutions and help improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and strengthen the body's immune system.

The mineralization of the mud solution also plays an important role in the healing properties of the mud. High mineralization helps improve metabolism, strengthen the skin and improve its condition. In addition, medicinal seaside mud contains many other useful elements, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, which also help in the treatment of various diseases.

However, before using medicinal seaside mud, you must consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. Also, it must be remembered that medicinal seaside mud is not a substitute for drug treatment and should only be used in combination with other treatment methods.

Primorsky medicinal mud is nature’s storehouse, which is usually used with caution, taking into account its characteristics. The therapeutic properties of healing mud, which has no analogues in other regions, have been known for a long time. Since ancient times it has been used for treatment in ancient times and the Middle Ages. Mud has a positive effect on almost all organs and systems of the body. In ancient times, people believed that mud helped with vision and hearing problems, joint disorders, headaches, burns, and wounds. It is also worth noting the usefulness of mud in the treatment of tuberculosis, various diseases of the nervous system, and polyarthritis. The most commonly used is sulfide-silt mud, which has unique properties. At a depth of up to one meter, its composition differs from the nearby surface area, where there is a layer of chernozem. And the deeper you go, the thicker the gel becomes, since the air in it is replaced by water saturated with silt liquid. To obtain a substance for therapy, it is necessary to bring it to the surface. The finished “mass” with a high content of mineral compounds may contain harmful impurities, so the first step is cleaning. The extracted mass must undergo bacterial control and filtration, after which it is stored in special containers. It is recommended to use dirt packaged in bags for two years. During this time, it loses many beneficial properties and ceases to have that same “healing power.” The therapeutic effect is due to the fact that the constituent substances (metal oxides, radioactive isotopes, humic acids) are combined with each other, thereby enhancing the properties. Therapeutic effects must be strictly controlled by a physician. Incorrectly selected dosage, incorrectly used scheme, high temperature of the procedure can lead to unpleasant consequences.