Disinfection device Gas

A gas disinfection apparatus is a device that is used to disinfect premises. It works based on the evaporation of formaldehyde or the combustion of sulfur. Currently, this method of disinfection is used less and less, as more effective and safe methods exist.

The principle of operation of a gas disinfection apparatus is that it creates a gas environment that contains formaldehyde or sulfur. This gaseous environment then spreads throughout the room, where chemicals evaporate or burn. This leads to the destruction of bacteria and viruses in the room.

However, using a gas disinfection apparatus has its disadvantages. Firstly, it can be dangerous to human health, as it contains toxic substances. Secondly, it can cause unpleasant odors and environmental pollution. In addition, it requires special conditions for storage and use.

Currently, more modern methods are used to disinfect premises, such as ultraviolet radiation, ozone and others. These methods are more effective and safer for humans and the environment. They also do not require special conditions for use and storage.

Disinfection device Gas A. D

The disinfection device is a universal device with a wide range of applications.

**Disinfection device,** **or** aerocontact disinfectant, is an effective method of disinfection and destruction of various types of microorganisms. The purpose and principle of operation of this device is to spray an inert gas or other active substance according to the instructions and level of cleaning in the room. Thanks to disinfection devices, disinfection and sterilization occurs not only in medical and sanitary institutions, but also at home, as well as at various facilities: shopping centers, warehouses, offices, etc. In the article we will take a closer look at the term “disinfecting gases”, what they are used for and how they act in the human body, since we will talk about our method of air sterilization.

Areas of application of such devices: * disinfection stations and laboratories; * medical organizations and office institutions;

First of all, we note that this disinfection method is especially effective in the treatment of tuberculosis, various respiratory diseases, diphtheria, dysentery and other acute respiratory diseases. Pharmacies also use degassing chambers where medications are dispensed to disinfect medications. In addition, an important criterion is the environmental friendliness of the raw materials used. In the process of disinfection using sulfuric or formaldehyde steam processes in chemical and tanning enterprises, they do not add any third-party substances, which has a positive effect on human health. According to the disinfection method, wet-gas equipment is distinguished. Drying of workwear is carried out using a special dryer without additional disinfectants. Due to the uniform supply of infrared radiation, pathogenic microflora located on tissues and in their folds is destroyed. It is worth noting, however, that this method is not widely used.