Spastic Intestinal Dyskinesia

Intestinal dysskesia (synonym: spastic intestinal dysfunction - SID) or its short foreign name *prolapse of intestine* is a somatoform eating disorder that mimics unidentifiable complaints associated with symptoms of fluid (or gases) leaking in the lower abdomen,

Spastic bowel dyskinesia (or spastic bowel syndrome) is a disorder that affects the function of the digestive system. It is characterized by a lack of coordination of contraction and relaxation of the intestinal muscles, which leads to various symptoms and discomfort in the patient.

Symptoms of spastic bowel dyskinesia may include abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Symptoms may vary in intensity and duration from patient to patient. Symptoms often worsen after eating or stressful situations.

The reasons for the development of spastic intestinal dyskinesia can be varied. One of the main reasons is a violation of intestinal motor activity, caused by a decrease or increase in the contractile activity of its muscles. Factors such as poor diet, stress, lack of physical activity and changes in the gut microbiome may also contribute to the development of this disorder.

The diagnosis of spastic bowel dyskinesia is usually made after careful evaluation of the patient and exclusion of other possible causes of symptoms. The doctor may perform a physical examination, ask questions about symptoms, and order additional tests such as colonoscopy, gastroscopy, and laboratory tests.

Treatment of spastic bowel dyskinesia is aimed at relieving symptoms and improving the patient's quality of life. It may include lifestyle changes, including regularly eating high-fiber foods, drinking enough fluids, being physically active, and managing stress.

In addition, your doctor may recommend medications such as antispasmodics, which help relax the intestinal muscles, or probiotics, which help restore normal intestinal flora.

In some cases, when conservative methods are not effective, surgery may be required. However, the decision about the need for surgery is made only after careful discussion with the patient and an assessment of the benefits and risks.

In general, spastic intestinal dyskinesia is a chronic disorder that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. Regular consultation with a doctor, adherence to lifestyle changes, and use of prescribed therapy can help manage symptoms and improve patients' quality of life. It is important to remember that each case of spastic intestinal dyskinesia is unique, so individual treatment and constant interaction with a doctor are necessary.

Although spastic bowel dyskinesia can be a chronic and long-lasting disorder, adopting a healthy lifestyle and treatment can help control symptoms and improve quality of life. If you suspect or suffer from spastic bowel dyskinesia, it is important to see your doctor for professional advice and diagnosis.

Research into spastic bowel dyskinesia is still ongoing, and new treatments and approaches may emerge in the future. However, nowadays, regular monitoring of the condition, following the doctor's recommendations and support from others can greatly improve the lives of those who suffer from this disorder.

In conclusion, spastic bowel dyskinesia is a disorder that affects the function of the digestive system and can lead to a variety of symptoms and discomfort. Prompt medical attention, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help control symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from this disorder.