Dyskinesia Professional

Professional dyskinesia is a disease that manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements and the emergence of uncertainty in movements to perform professional activities. This disorder can be a serious problem for many people who work in various fields, including medicine, aviation, maritime, military, and professional dance.

Symptoms include hand tremors, slow movement, difficulty lifting heavy objects, and difficulty using tools. Loss of coordination is often accompanied by anxiety and uncertainty, which can lead to decreased productivity and development of social isolation.

The causes of dyskinesia may be different. The most common are stress, fatigue, depression, taking medications, and sleep disturbances. Also, stress from performing complex or monotonous activities, constant overstrain of the eye muscles, and irregular work can contribute to the development of this disorder.

In this case, treatment involves the use of medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. It is usually recommended to reduce the level of stress and strain, and, if necessary, take tranquilizers and antidepressants. If symptoms occur, it is important to seek help from specialists to avoid worsening the condition and prevent the development of complications.

It is important to remember that professional dyskinesia is not a rare disorder, and the professional path of many professionals is associated with a risk of occurrence. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly organize work and rest schedules, reduce the level of stress factors, correctly approach solving complex problems and take timely measures to prevent possible problems.


Occupational dyskinesia is a violation of motor coordination, which manifests itself in certain situations when performing certain actions. Such a violation can lead to a decrease in work efficiency and a deterioration in the quality of activities performed. In this article we will look at the causes and symptoms of occupational dyskinesia, as well as methods of its prevention and treatment.

The appearance of symptoms (anxiety, fear, restlessness, apathy) is due to the characteristics and conditions of life. But unlike physical conditions, it is not always possible to determine exactly the causes of such mental disorders in a person. This may be due to biological, psychological and social factors, as well as the interaction between them. Patients with neurosis doubt their ability to solve or complete a certain task, experience anxiety and fear of new situations. They seek to avoid tension and anxiety by maintaining minor social contacts.