Neurocirculatory Dystonia Hypotonic Type

Neurovascular dystonia is a problem of general medicine caused by a violation of the vascular system of muscle and nerve fibers of medium and large size. This may be caused by impaired regulation of vascular tone in the brain and peripheral nervous system. The disease manifests itself as a result of mechanical tension of the muscles, their pathology, changes in the tone of the vascular walls in the form of muscle swelling when it is necessary to develop muscle strength, as well as changes in muscle impulse. As a result, hypertension and muscle hypertonicity may occur, along with difficulty in the flow of blood through the vessels of the muscles in the required volume, which can cause muscle pain and headache. Dystonic syndrome is caused by upper limb syndrome, which, in turn, means a disease of the blood vessels of the arm tissue. This disease is quite common among people over the age of 35.